Absolutely not! Parents who enroll their children in our Dragons Program are often amazed by the results. Not only does our program increase a child’s confidence, but it also teaches them techniques to defend themselves and to avoid bullying situations.
Dragons life skills include valuable pre-school lessons such as confidence, courtesy, respect, and self-discipline. Children develop and enhance these life skills as they grow as individuals and advance in our program.
More screen time and less street time can lead to detachment from others, and the lack of physical activity can lead to health problems. In our programs, kids are active and engaged with others around them in a fun and friendly environment.
Martial arts will help to teach children the art of self-discipline. All too often in the modern day children are accustomed to getting what they want when they want. Martial arts teach restraint and patience.
When a child masters a new skill or move it will boost their confidence and gives them a real sense of achievement. Working their way up through the ranks also shows that hard work pays off and they have something to be confident about.
A common misconception of martial arts is that they promote violent behavior but in fact it is quite the opposite.Martial arts teaches children peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution skills and showing that physical altercations should be avoided.
Listening is key in martial arts as without listening to the instructor they will be unable to complete the move correctly. It teaches listening on a one-to-one basis as well as in a group. Demonstrating these skills allows children to progress through the belts.
Having a competition or tournament that the children can aim for helps teach them to set goals in life. Whether they win or not it helps them to deal with either outcome which will be beneficial in later life.
It gets kids away from their screens and off the sofa and encourages them to be more physically active at the same time as having fun. Learning a martial art is a full body workout not only for the body but the mind as well!
Often in practice students will work in pairs to practice and learn new skills and moves. This not only teaches them to respect the other children but work together to achieve their mutual goal.They’ll soon learn that sometimes two heads are better than one!
Sometimes in the modern day, children find it hard to respect authoritative figures. However martial arts teaches kids to respect their instructor and each other as they learn the art.