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Competition Team

Last Friday Mueller’s Martial Arts kicked off with a new competition team! Comp team is one of our favorite parts of taekwondo, and we’re so excited to welcome the previous members as well as new people to the team! It is both an honor and a privilege to get invited to the team, but there is always a possibility that they could be taken off or not invited back if they don’t meet the high expectations we hold.

In order to make the team, students have to go above and beyond the call of action. These are students who have shown up for class consistently, rarely missing a day. When they are in class, they always work hard—putting in more effort than most other students. They’re always going above and beyond the call of action, pushing their limits each and every day. Most importantly, they have exceptional attitudes. They consistently have a good attitude and are the models for how other students should also act in class. They never complain, always listen, and are a role and friend to others. 

When they’ve proven all of those traits, they are asked to join the competition team. While on the team they get a special uniform that they get to wear to any class, which shows they are part of the team to others. They have their own class to train in every Friday, where they get extra attention—but also have to work harder and push themselves further than in a normal class. 

To stay on the team, they have to compete in every regional tournament. That means that every time there is a tournament in Colorado, they have to be there. They have to show up for every single comp team class, only missing for emergencies. During the summer, they participate in champ camp, where they train for three hours a day, three days a week in addition to their other classes. They have to be ready and willing to work hard and push past their limits. They have to be an example for other students and have a good attitude for every class. If they fail to meet any of these expectations, they will be asked to leave the team or will not be invited back next year.

It’s a great honor to be on the comp team, but it comes with a lot of work and commitment. We’re so proud of the students who were invited to join this year, and we can’t wait to see who will be invited next year. For now, welcome to COMP TEAM!


Together We Rise Tournament

Mueller’s Martial Arts’s tournament is this weekend! This tournament is extremely special and unlike any other tournament in the fact that it is co-hosted with Venture Martial Arts! This is the opportunity for the two schools to come together and show that together we rise! Not only that, but students from all around the state of Colorado and those traveling in the National Martial Arts Alliance will come together to compete.

The tournament starts at 8:00am on Saturday and will be held at the Volk Gymnasium at the Colorado School of Mines. Students of all ranks and ages will get the chance to come home with a big, heavy medal shaped like a phoenix rising. More importantly, they’ll get to show off everything they’ve learned and see who the best of the best is.

Tournaments are an amazing opportunity for growth. Students are pushed out of their comfort zones and go in front of dozens of people to show what they have learned. They gain confidence, public speaking skills, and showmanship just by competing one time. Even if they don’t place, they still learn perseverance and never give up. It’s a challenge, but to prove to themselves that they can do it gives them one of the best feelings of accomplishment. 

It’s also a chance to meet other people. Since students compete from all around the state, they get to meet and foster friendships with people they don’t see everyday. Some of these students become their friends for life. They get to share knowledge, competitiveness, and a passion for what they both love- taekwondo.

This tournament is particularly special because as we said before, it’s a partnership tournament. It’s the chance for Venture and Mueller’s to come together to make something incredibly great. By working together, we are uplifting and showing the power of the entire organization. We are all in this together, to support, to appreciate, and encourage each other. Plus, there will be a food truck- 5280 Burger Bar- and a dessert truck- Suz Cookie Jar Rescue. Who doesn’t love that? Most importantly, it’s to show the power of working together because TOGETHER WE RISE!


Becoming a Black Belt

This weekend is black belt testing! Students across the state of Colorado as well as from Mueller’s Martial Arts will be testing for their black belts! It’s an exciting experience that is the culmination of all the hard work they have put in since starting at a white belt. In order to earn that belt though, they have to go through a great deal of challenges which pushes their limits. 

In order to become a black belt, students obviously have to earn all of their previous belts. They had to start as a white belt, show up to class, and achieve each belt along the way. Because of this, they are required to know each belt’s meaning for their black belt testing. Each belt has a word and definition associated with it that they have to memorize and be able to recite upon command.

Speaking of definitions, testers also have to memorize the meanings of over forty Korean words. These are words like front kick, punch, attention, and spar. Like the belt meanings, they have to be able to recite the meaning of the words on command. Memorizing these words is an important nod to the foundations and beginnings of taekwondo.

That’s not the only way they show respect to the beginnings. They have to write an essay about the history of taekwondo or the history of the Korean flag. It’s not just about writing though. Students also have to prepare a speech about what getting their black belt means to them or thanking the people that have got them there. They have to present their speech in front of lower ranks to inspire them to also become black belts. 

Because taekwondo is a fitness-based sport, testers have to complete what is called a tough test. They have to do as many jumping jacks, pushups, sit ups, and burpees as they can for a minute. They also have to run a mile as fast as they can. Their scores are tallied together and have to be high enough to pass their fit test. It’s both a mental and physical challenge.

Perhaps the most important and most difficult part of black belt testing is the memorization and performance of the forms. Students have six forms they have to memorize and perform to perfection. It may seem like a simple task, but hundreds of moves with perfect stances and techniques is a true test of a black belt. One mistake and they fail their all or nothing testing. 

All or nothing testing is their final test before black belt testing. They have to be able to do everything- recite the definitions, show their perfect forms, and show that they have the mental and physical strength to become a black belt. One mistake and they fail, having to try again the next night. 

Getting your black belt is one of the hardest feats you may ever accomplish in your life. But doing so will teach you that with hard work and dedication you can do anything. When you tie that belt around your waist, no one will ever be able to take it away from you. You will always be able to say, “I’m a black belt.”

Black belt testing is this Saturday, September 14th at the Venture Martial Arts school in the Flatirons Mall. Come support our students in achieving this dream!


I Can Do It

In class, we teach our students the concept of “I can do it!” It may seem like a simple phrase, but yelling it as loud as you can definitely instills a sense of confidence. Whether they’re getting ready to break a board, try a challenging move, or get pushed out of their comfort zone, these four words have a profound impact on their minds and bodies. At Mueller’s Martial Arts, we’ll always believe that you can do it.

Now let’s be honest, when you have a little dragon yell, “I can do it!”, they’re likely going to believe themselves immediately and complete the task. Even if they don’t get it right away, they will try and try again until they are successful. Believing in themselves and then seeing the reward is enough for their young minds to gain confidence and empowerment. 

However, as we get older, we tend to lose our confidence. Whether we fail at multiple things, are bullied, or have pulled ourselves into a comparison game because of the things we see on social media, our belief in ourselves tends to decrease drastically. Sometimes when called to action, we hesitate or refuse because we don’t believe that we can do it, or we are afraid of judgment from our peers.

That’s where taekwondo training comes in. Every time you learn something new, you’re becoming an even smarter and better version of yourself! Think back to all the times you were nervous about martial arts- your first class, first testing, first time competing- you showed up and did all of those things! Were there days you failed? Sure! Everyone fails at some point in their life. But you got knocked down and continued to show up- you showed true perseverance.

That thought process should carry you throughout every aspect of your life. If you are faced with a challenge, look back and realize all that you have accomplished by pushing out of your comfort zone. Realize that you might fail and if you do, try again until you succeed! Remember that people are more concerned with their own lives than yours, so they probably aren’t judging you anyways. If they are, remember that it’s only your opinion of yourself that truly matters.

So next time you are faced with something that pushes you out of your comfort zone or your perceived limits, go back to that simple phrase and tell yourself, “I can do it!” Say it out loud and for everyone to hear if you have to. You’ll be surprised at what you are capable of when you believe in yourself.

We teach kids confidence and empowerment each day at Mueller’s Martial Arts. To learn more about our program, click here.


Back to School in Taekwondo

Can you believe it? Summer is almost over. Many kids went back to school this week! While most of us love the relaxation that comes with break, now many of us are feeling the season of getting back into a routine. That means it’s back to school time for taekwondo! Joining or getting back into a regular routine with martial arts is one of the best ways you can set your kid up for a great year. At Mueller’s Martial Arts, we can help your kid have the best year yet!

Better Grades:

We all want our kids to get good grades in school. Getting good grades helps them feel more empowered, makes them smarter, and sets them up for a successful future. Taekwondo can actually help your kiddo get better grades this year! We teach our students to focus in class, which is paying specific attention to something. They focus while learning techniques and applying in their martial arts practice. This directly correlates with school. They learn to focus and pay attention to their teachers and the material covered which helps them get better grades!

Better Behavior:

In each class we teach kids the eight life skills they need to succeed in life. They are focus, respect, integrity, dedication, discipline, confidence, perseverance, and goals. By practicing these skills everyday, they start displaying better behavior in class. Again, they bring these skills home and to school where they behave better and better everyday. They respect their teachers and fellow students, become leaders in school, and are the model of a good student and person.

Higher Achievement:

Taekwondo teaches kids to set a goal and work hard to achieve that goal. They show up each day to go through the ranks and earn their black belt, win at tournaments, and become a great martial artist. Learning to set goals in taekwondo teaches them to set goals in all areas of life. They set goals to get good grades, make friends, star in plays, or anything else they set their minds to. By setting and working towards a goal, they learn they can achieve anything in life as long as they work for it. That can be going to college, getting a high paying job, or owning their own business. The possibilities are endless because they have the martial arts foundation built their entire lives.

One of the best things you can do for your kiddo this year is to get them into taekwondo this school year. Whether they are new or have done it before, training will set them up for success in every part of their life! Let Mueller’s Martial Arts help you! To learn more about our program, click here.


Five Reasons Your Child Should Do Martial Arts Part 2

A few weeks ago we released an article about five reasons your child should do taekwondo. This week, we wanted to carry on that list! There are a million reasons and benefits to get your kiddo signed up to practice martial arts, but here are some of our favorites at Mueller’s Martial Arts.


We live in a world where there is a lot of sitting. Kids sit all day in school, then they come home and watch TV or play video games while sitting. Even during the summer, when they have the opportunity to get outside, most of the time they stay inside and are inactive. That’s where taekwondo training comes in. During class, they have multiple times a week to get out of the house and play a sport. Taekwondo not only is great cardio, they also gain strength and flexibility. Every class they come to makes them healthier and more physically fit!


Martial Arts training teaches children to be helpful and considerate. They are often empowered in class to lend a helping hand and to teach others what they know. Instructors will ask them to help out in demonstrations, picking things up, or teaching others. This helps them learn to be considerate, especially when they are helping people that know less than they do. Some kids really take to it, and eventually become assistant instructors! They carry these skills in everyday life where they become kind people and always help others in need.

To perform better in life:

In order to reach higher ranks in taekwondo, kids are always learning and improving. They have to perform in order to get their next belt, which means they have to show that they have gotten better in their time in class. While they are always becoming better martial artists, this also applies in every aspect of their life. Because they start to learn the life skills in class- integrity, focus, dedication, discipline, respect, confidence, goals, and perseverance- they start doing better in life. That means better grades, more respect, and being an awesome kid.

Develop a winning attitude:

Confidence is the key to any success in life. If you don’t believe you can do something, you never will. Taekwondo builds confidence by helping them earn success along the way. They achieve their next belts, win at tournaments, and have small success in each class. This helps them develop a winning attitude and lets them know that they can achieve anything they set their mind to with enough hard work and dedication.

Having fun:

Perhaps the most important piece of training is having fun! Taekwondo is FUN! It’s a great time to kick and punch stuff, to break boards, and to someday be able to tell people that you are a black belt. Is every single class fun? No. But knowing their goals and working towards them is a fun way to empower kids to be successful in life. They are active, learning to defend themselves, and having a great time doing it!

We may be biased, but we think taekwondo is the best! With the school year quickly approaching, here are five reasons we think your kid would love to train with us. To learn more about our program, click here.


Five Reasons Your Child Should Do Taekwondo

There are probably a million reasons we would recommend that every kid signs up for taekwondo, but maybe we’re a little biased! What can we say, we love martial arts. We’ve come up with the top five reasons why every child would benefit from training, no matter their age, ability, or background. 

Number one is a biggie, to protect themselves. Though we like to believe that most people are good and have the best intentions, the reality is that some people aren’t. Those can be adults or other kids that have the intention of hurting your precious little one. That’s why in class we teach kids to protect themselves from stranger danger, which teaches them to fight back against an ill-intentioned adult, and bully self defense, which teaches them to get out of a bully situation with other kids.

Number two is to increase concentration and focus. This is done through various practices in class like paying attention to their instructors and through forms work. In order to move through the ranks of taekwondo, kids have to pay attention to what their instructors are teaching them, and focus on the moves they are performing. They work on memorization and tiny details that help them concentrate and focus.

Number three is to develop good social skills. Kids interact with other kids and with their teachers. They learn to work with and support others, and to listen and respect their elders. If they decide to compete, they get the chance to interact with people from all over the state and even world. They form friendships that can sometimes even last a lifetime!

Number four is to gain self respect and respect for others. Each student learns to call each other either sir or ma’am, and listen while they are talking. Taekwondo is built on a foundation of respecting each other, and that carries into everyday life. Most importantly, they learn to respect themselves by earning everything that comes to them and realizing how special they really are.

Number five is to increase confidence and self-esteem. Students are pushed out of their comfort zones which makes them realize what they are truly capable of. They answer loudly and boldly each time they are spoken to. They perform their forms in front of dozens of people to overcome fears. This builds confidence each day which increases their self-esteem.

At Mueller’s Martial Arts, we teach these skills every single day. These are just five reasons to do taekwondo! There are so many more and we will share those in our next article. Until then, feel free to learn more about our program by clicking here


Worlds Week

It’s World’s Week! This is the most exciting week of the year for the National Martial Arts Alliance. People from all around the world are gathering to compete for World Champion. Beyond that, the week is filled with fun events including exciting trainings and the testing of the head of the organization, Chief Master Horn.

The week starts today with the Shimsan golf tournament. People are invited to join at the Top Golf to benefit the non-profit part of the organization that sponsors students to help them pay for tuition. It is bound to be a fun night full of meeting new people and a competition for a great cause. 

Wednesday is school owner training where school owners from across the entire organization get together to become the best they can be. They will train directly with Chief Master Horn and other Masters of the organization to learn new content and make their practices even better. You never stop learning in taekwondo, and this is the moment for your instructors to bring even more knowledge to you!

Thursday begins with testing, where Black Belts get the chance to test or midterm. They will be judged by Masters and leaders in the organization to earn their new belt or midterm to get even closer to getting that higher rank. Most exciting of all, Chief Master Horn will be testing to receive his 9th degree Black Belt, making him the Grand Master of the National Martial Arts Alliance. 9th degree Black Belt is the highest rank possible in taekwondo, and this is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity and history in the making. It is something you don’t want to miss.

After testing, competition starts! Black Belts begin on Thursday in the battle to become World Champion. It is something that they have worked their hardest all year to achieve. They get the chance to prove that their skill and hard work pays off, and they are the best in the entire world. Competition continues on Friday with elevated and inventive, and then on Saturday for all color belts. Saturday begins the start of the new tournament season, so it is the first chance for you to get in points for the new year. Most exciting, you get to compete against people from around the entire world!

Friday night is the chance for you to see the Master ceremony, where Chief Master Horn will officially become Grand Master. It’s a monumental, historical moment that has taken dozens of years of hard work to achieve. The importance and specialness of this moment can’t be stressed enough, and everyone part of the NMAA should be there. Mueller’s Martial Arts will be in attendance showing our support. We hope you’re there too!

World Week is so exciting and full of fun you should see every year. We will see you there, hopefully with some World Champion titles in hand!

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