Back to School in Taekwondo


Back to School in Taekwondo

Can you believe it? Summer is almost over. Many kids went back to school this week! While most of us love the relaxation that comes with break, now many of us are feeling the season of getting back into a routine. That means it’s back to school time for taekwondo! Joining or getting back into a regular routine with martial arts is one of the best ways you can set your kid up for a great year. At Mueller’s Martial Arts, we can help your kid have the best year yet!

Better Grades:

We all want our kids to get good grades in school. Getting good grades helps them feel more empowered, makes them smarter, and sets them up for a successful future. Taekwondo can actually help your kiddo get better grades this year! We teach our students to focus in class, which is paying specific attention to something. They focus while learning techniques and applying in their martial arts practice. This directly correlates with school. They learn to focus and pay attention to their teachers and the material covered which helps them get better grades!

Better Behavior:

In each class we teach kids the eight life skills they need to succeed in life. They are focus, respect, integrity, dedication, discipline, confidence, perseverance, and goals. By practicing these skills everyday, they start displaying better behavior in class. Again, they bring these skills home and to school where they behave better and better everyday. They respect their teachers and fellow students, become leaders in school, and are the model of a good student and person.

Higher Achievement:

Taekwondo teaches kids to set a goal and work hard to achieve that goal. They show up each day to go through the ranks and earn their black belt, win at tournaments, and become a great martial artist. Learning to set goals in taekwondo teaches them to set goals in all areas of life. They set goals to get good grades, make friends, star in plays, or anything else they set their minds to. By setting and working towards a goal, they learn they can achieve anything in life as long as they work for it. That can be going to college, getting a high paying job, or owning their own business. The possibilities are endless because they have the martial arts foundation built their entire lives.

One of the best things you can do for your kiddo this year is to get them into taekwondo this school year. Whether they are new or have done it before, training will set them up for success in every part of their life! Let Mueller’s Martial Arts help you! To learn more about our program, click here.