Getting Back After the Holidays


Getting Back After the Holidays

Happy New Year and welcome to 2023! It’s always the same, year after year, people start the new year with big hopes and dreams of all that they will accomplish this year. Adults are going to the gym to lose weight and get in better shape. Kids want to get better grades, make new friends, and have some fun along the way. Taekwondo can help with all of that!

We know it’s hard, being on break for so long and getting back into the reality of life. But that is how life goes and why working towards those goals is so important. What’s even more important is to work without burnout. How many times have you gone to the gym for all of January, and when February hits you are sick and tired of it? You give up and vow to try again next year.

Don’t let it be that way this year. By coming to taekwondo classes you and your kids can be motivated the entire year. You get a workout in and have something to look forward to every single day. Martial Arts keeps you motivated by giving you small skills to work on along your journey, not diving head first into the deep end without knowing how to swim. You take small steps each day and eventually build up to test for new belts, and eventually even become a blackbelt!

In our family class, entire families get to train together. Not only does that bring you closer together, you also make new friends. Working towards a common goal keeps you and your kids motivated past that dreaded end of January. You are surrounded by friends and a support system pushing you along the way. 

A new semester means a new chance to improve grades and do better in school and at home. Karate training teaches students the eight life skills that are needed to have a great life. They are confidence, perseverance, integrity, respect, focus, discipline, attitude, and goals. In each class we teach and work on those life skills so that students are not only using them in class, but they bring them into their everyday lives. Taekwondo is a metaphor for life, what you put in you get back!

Holiday break is over! We will see you in classes tonight!