Instructor Program


Instructor Program

Mueller’s Martial Arts has students partake in the instructor program, a program that empowers teens to take their training to the next level and teach other students. Martial Arts instructor programs teach accountability and work ethic to a generation that otherwise does not believe in teenage jobs. Students work 10-15 hours a week and are given responsibilities such as cleaning the school, creating lesson plans, and teaching in classes.

It seems like nowadays no one is held accountable for their actions. The instructor program in taekwondo teaches accountability to teens. While other teens are often sitting at home playing video games every night, teens in the instructor program are learning to teach others the skills that they know. It’s a rewarding process to both the teens and the students. It gives the teens the opportunity to pass on their knowledge, show their skills, and inspire others. Students see what they can do if they work hard.

This weekend, two of our teens in the instructor program volunteered to help out at Cider Days. They worked from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm helping break boards and encouraging kids who have never tried taekwondo before to give it a shot. They enjoyed every second of it and were grateful for the opportunity to be a bigger part of the school. During classes, they come in and help teach and contribute to the school, almost like having a job. 

Having a job at a young age teaches teens responsibility and accountability. They have tasks that they are responsible for and it is their job to make sure it gets done. The quality of learning that other students get is their responsibility, so they need to make sure they do a good job. If they don’t, they are held accountable for their actions. The benefit is that they are working at something they love doing- teaching and working in a taekwondo dojang. They will take the responsibility and accountability they learn and carry it through the rest of their lives. 

The instructor program is an amazing way to get teens out of the house and working towards creating the best future for themselves. They learn how to grow up and become the best versions of themselves, while also enjoying their responsibilities. Mueller’s Martial Arts loves to empower teens and all students. To learn more about our program, click here.