I Can Do It


I Can Do It

In class, we teach our students the concept of “I can do it!” It may seem like a simple phrase, but yelling it as loud as you can definitely instills a sense of confidence. Whether they’re getting ready to break a board, try a challenging move, or get pushed out of their comfort zone, these four words have a profound impact on their minds and bodies. At Mueller’s Martial Arts, we’ll always believe that you can do it.

Now let’s be honest, when you have a little dragon yell, “I can do it!”, they’re likely going to believe themselves immediately and complete the task. Even if they don’t get it right away, they will try and try again until they are successful. Believing in themselves and then seeing the reward is enough for their young minds to gain confidence and empowerment. 

However, as we get older, we tend to lose our confidence. Whether we fail at multiple things, are bullied, or have pulled ourselves into a comparison game because of the things we see on social media, our belief in ourselves tends to decrease drastically. Sometimes when called to action, we hesitate or refuse because we don’t believe that we can do it, or we are afraid of judgment from our peers.

That’s where taekwondo training comes in. Every time you learn something new, you’re becoming an even smarter and better version of yourself! Think back to all the times you were nervous about martial arts- your first class, first testing, first time competing- you showed up and did all of those things! Were there days you failed? Sure! Everyone fails at some point in their life. But you got knocked down and continued to show up- you showed true perseverance.

That thought process should carry you throughout every aspect of your life. If you are faced with a challenge, look back and realize all that you have accomplished by pushing out of your comfort zone. Realize that you might fail and if you do, try again until you succeed! Remember that people are more concerned with their own lives than yours, so they probably aren’t judging you anyways. If they are, remember that it’s only your opinion of yourself that truly matters.

So next time you are faced with something that pushes you out of your comfort zone or your perceived limits, go back to that simple phrase and tell yourself, “I can do it!” Say it out loud and for everyone to hear if you have to. You’ll be surprised at what you are capable of when you believe in yourself.

We teach kids confidence and empowerment each day at Mueller’s Martial Arts. To learn more about our program, click here.