Summertime in Taekwondo


Summertime in Taekwondo

Can you believe it’s almost July? Summer is in full bloom and taekwondo isn’t slowing down. A few weeks ago our students competed in the State tournament and we took home 27 first place titles! Plus we got even more that placed in the top three. In just a few short weeks Black Belts will compete for the World Championships! 

We know that summer means that kids are out of school and people are taking their well deserved vacations. But now is not the time to lose focus! With World coming up and a brand new tournament season right around the corner, it’s extremely important to keep your eyes on the prize. Not to mention, with school being out kids tend to be more rowdy and misbehave. Staying consistent with taekwondo can help that.

Come to class:

Coming to class is the most important thing to do for your taekwondo student. We know that it can be hard with travel, but coming in whenever you can will make a huge difference. Staying consistent in their activities will help with focus, plus they are still learning on and working on the life skills in each class. They must stay disciplined and respectful in class, and that will carry into homelife as well. Plus, they need to keep working to become a champ at the next tournament!

Practice outside of class:

If you don’t want your student to fall behind or lose momentum, have them practice outside of class. When traveling, have them go over their forms and the definitions of the life skills. Every form is on our website and can be watched over and over again. If they stay focused on their goals even when they aren’t able to make it in, coming back to a consistent schedule will be a lot easier for them. Kids love showing off their forms on vacation!

Enjoy your rest:

Sometimes, a little rest is all we need to come back refreshed and rejuvenated. Take your rest and enjoy it! Just remember, rest makes rust and doesn’t last forever. Enjoy it, but get back to taekwondo as soon as you can. We know that kids are around all the time during the summer and you might need a break from them too. Bring your kids to class, drop them off, and know that they are in good hands for the next hour. Parents need a break too! What better place to get it then in a place where your kids are learning and becoming the best versions of themselves?

Happy summer from Mueller’s Martial Arts! We are here all year. Drop by this summer to set your kid up for their best life.