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Competition Fridays

Martial Arts training is hard work. To be successful requires a great deal of dedication and focus and a willingness to never give up. Life, in general, is challenging, and taking on taekwondo training students adds another challenge both mentally and physically. That’s why it is extremely important to add some fun into life as well as karate lessons. To add to a great time of training, Mueller’s Martial Arts hosts Competition Fridays. 

Competition Fridays bring together students of all ranks and ages in the family class and give everyone an opportunity to win. Champions bring home one of the four prizes earned for winning one of the “events”. The prizes range anywhere from a toy, scooter, Lego set, speaker- any sort of random item that would be fun to win. The competitions can be anything from a side kick competition, obstacle crouse, relay race, board breaking, etc. 

You may be wondering, how does Competition Friday benefit my student’s Martial Arts career? Well, besides the fact that it is fun, which makes students want to come more if they are enjoying it- there are many benefits of this type of class. First and foremost, it highlights the competitive aspect of taekwondo. Throughout the year, the National Martial Arts Alliance hosts tournaments in that students can compete. They get the chance to earn titles and medals and eventually even a State and World Championship. Competition Friday gives them a taste of that success.

It also allows students to work as a team. In general, Martial Arts is mostly an individual sport. Students earn their new ranks and win tournaments on their own merit, based on the hard work that they have put in. Competition Fridays allow them to build their teamwork skills by working with others to win the competition. They win as a team and lose as a team, but have to learn communication skills, cheer each other on, and take turns. 

If the competition is a solo task, the students have the opportunity to win something based on their skill and perseverance. They may never go to tournaments or play in other sports and this is their opportunity to shine and win a fun prize. There’s a sense of excitement for the opportunity to win something in taekwondo class. Everyone seems to like it and it’s one of the biggest classes!

Join us this Friday for Competition Friday! To learn more about Mueller’s Martial Arts, click here.


Life Skills Learned in Martial Arts

Martial Arts training helps with strength, flexibility, and an overall improvement of physical health. Students learn self-defense techniques and are empowered to keep learning as they advance in rank. The goal is to become a Black Belt which is a fantastic physical accomplishment, but there is more to learning taekwondo than the physical aspects. In each class at Mueller’s Martial Arts, students will learn the eight life skills to make them the best person possible.


Students are taught to show respect- showing others you care through your actions. They show their instructors respect by saying “yes ma’am” or “yes sir” and listening to what they are instructed to do. They show their peers respect by bowing to each other and supporting them along their own karate journey. They show themselves respect by continuing to try their best on their journey to a Black Belt.


Martial Artists are taught to believe in themselves. As they continue to train they get better techniques and earn higher ranking belts. By continuing to improve they gain confidence in their abilities. They are taught to be loud in class so that their voice is heard. They use that confidence during self-defense training where they gain the knowledge to defend themselves in any situation.


It’s easy to quit when things get hard. But Martial Artists practice perseverance- giving 100% and never giving up. Training in taekwondo can be hard. It requires you to learn new techniques and challenge your body in new ways. You may fail a belt testing or lose at a tournament. A true Martial Artist does not quit and will keep trying until they achieve success.


While it is easy to quit, it is also easy to cut corners and do something wrong because it’s the easier option. Students in karate are taught integrity- doing the right thing even if no one is watching. There are moments when they are empowered to work independently, whether that is practicing outside of class or working hard when the instructor isn’t looking. They know that they will never get what they want unless they follow the right thing so they practice that at all times. 


No one likes someone with a bad attitude. Students learn to have a positive attitude- the way they act. Even if they are having a bad day, they walk into the dojang knowing that things will get better if they are positive. Life is hard and bad situations happen, but a Martial Artist is able to work through the bad while keeping a positive light in their lives.


The goal when you begin taekwondo on day one is to become a Black Belt. Along the way, there are many smaller goals. They learn that a goal is something you have to work to achieve. It takes hard work to get anywhere you want in life but by setting a goal and working to achieve it, they can accomplish anything.


In order to achieve a goal, students have to practice discipline or obeying what is right. The right thing to do is to come to class, practice at home, and using the life skills outside of class. By being taught and practicing discipline, they obey what is right in all situations.


In order to learn anything new in life, focus is required. Martial Artists are taught to pay. specific attention to something. They pay attention to the details of every form they learn, every new move, and everything the instructor says. Their focus makes them better Martial Artists and better people, listening and paying attention to the world around them.

By learning and practicing the eight life skills on a daily basis, students learn to become better people. They take the life skills and apply them to their everyday lives whether that is in school, playing other sports, being with friends, or interacting with their parents. At Mueller’s Martial Arts we teach people to change the world for the better, one Black Belt at a time.


Back to School for Martial Arts

This year is going to be different. This year is going to be better! Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. This is where we come in. Summer is almost over, can you believe it? With summer ending, that means that school is starting again soon. Going back to school requires a lot of demands for both parents and kids, so it’s important to be armed with the best skills possible to make it a great experience. Taekwondo training has been proven to help kids with better focus in the classroom, discipline while doing homework, and perseverance to overcome the hard days which results in achieving better grades.

During Martial Arts classes, instructors will teach the eight life skills- attitude, perseverance, focus, discipline, integrity, goals respect, and confidence. These skills enable students to achieve success in school. At Mueller’s Martial Arts, we help prepare students for anything that life throws their way this crazy school year.


Students are taught to pay specific attention during their classes. They focus on the details of the skills that they are learning on pay attention to the instructor. This directly translates to when they are in school. They pay attention to what their teacher is saying and focus on the details of their lessons. By learning focus they are able to remember more and do better on homework and tests. They absorb the information on a higher level.


Students are taught to obey what is right while learning discipline. They are taught that the right thing to do is to practice what they learn in classes and put in their best effort. During school, discipline correlates because they are disciplined to do their homework and study- practicing what they have learned. By practicing they become better Martial Artists and better students. They know that the right thing is to do all of their responsibilities and they obey them.


Martial Artists learn to never give up. Learning anything new is challenging and it can be easy to give up. That is not acceptable in the taekwondo world and they practice perseverance to never give up when things get hard. The same can be said for school. Learning new material is difficult and takes dedication. If they fail a test or get a bad grade on a paper, it would be easy to accept that they are never going to understand the content or never do better. Because they have trained perseverance during karate classes, students never give up and keep working until they master the material. This means better grades, more experiences, and a great school year.

There is a reason that so many Martial Artists are top in their class at school. They practice the skills needed to be successful in life on a daily basis and bring them into their everyday lives. At Mueller’s Martial Arts we teach the eight life skills in every single class and work to build students into the best people they can be. With our help, this can be the best school year that the students have ever experienced! Learn more about our program by clicking here.


World Championships

Mueller’s Martial Arts competed in the National Martial Arts Alliance World Championships tournament this weekend held at the Denver Convention Center. Students from all around the United States as well as the rest of the world competed against each other to win the title of World Champion. We had six students compete in various events. 

Two students won World Championship titles! Tye Pearce won in women’s traditional forms. Oliver Mlodzik won in weapons sparring. All of the students spent the last five weeks before worlds, training three hours a day three times a week in additional classes. They practiced at home and any opportunity that they could to prepare. Their hard work paid off and they brought home world titles. 

Each World Champion gets a Shimsan sword, a World Champion uniform, and a medal. They also have the pride in knowing that they are the best in the entire world. It is a huge and amazing accomplishment that not many people can say that they achieved. Tye said that it was the most pivotal moment of their entire life. At Mueller’s Martial Arts, we train World Champions.

Not only were their two world champs, all of the other students placed as well. They achieved either second or third place. In perspective of the entire world, second and third place is an incredible accomplishment as well. Knowing that every student that competed placed top three in the entire world is a spectacular feat for the taekwondo school. 

Saturday began the next round of the 2022-2023 tournament season. Students from all ranks and all ages were able to compete to win the tournament. This starts their efforts to qualify to make it to worlds tournament next year. Mueller’s Martial Arts had 20 students competing, and had several students sweep their entire ring! They won in every single event. It was a fantastic start to the season!

Not only was there World Championships and all ranks competition, several Black Belts also tested for their next rank or midterm. Every single student passed their testing! We have three new second degrees and several students in the next step to achieving their new belt. It was a great weekend!

Taekwondo training can absolutely change lives, but it can also give students the opportunity to win a World Championship. The look on the Martial Artists’ faces, the pride of their parents, is not comparable to any other experience. It is a moment that they will remember and carry with them the rest of their lives. Work begins right now to get even more titles next year! Mueller’s Martial Arts is so proud of our students’ hard work and dedication to success.


State Tournament

Mueller’s Martial Arts competed this past weekend in the State Tournament! The tournament is held for competitors that are a part of the National Martial Arts Alliance. It took place at Venture Martial Arts in Central Park. Taekwondo students from around the entire state of Colorado competed to win a State Championship title. 

Mueller’s Martial Arts had eight students that earned their chance to compete. Students have to earn points by participating in other tournaments throughout the year. They earn points based on how they do in the tournament. The better they do, taking first, second, or third place, the more points they earn. Martial Artists of all ranks and ages are able to compete if they qualify. It is the only opportunity for a color belt to earn a championship title.

The fourteen students qualified in 43 different events. The events they competed in were forms, weapons, XMA, sparring, weapons sparring, and weapon forms. They brought back 16 State Championship titles! Students of all ranks won the titles. 

For the past few weeks, the competition team students have been participating in Champ Camp which is extra training to get ready for State and Worlds. They train for three extra hours a day, three days a week on top of going to regular classes. Their hard work and dedication paid off, winning more events than any other school in the organization. 

The training doesn’t stop there. They will continue with Champ Camp until the World Championship tournament which will take place in July. Students that are part of the National Martial Arts Alliance will come from all over the world to try to become World Champions. School owner, Sean Mueller, is excited to bring home a world title. 

“The students have shown that hard work and dedication pays off. I am so proud of all that they have accomplished and am so excited to see what they can accomplish on their taekwondo journey. They are not only gifted and talented, they have the hearts of champions. That will take them far in life.” 

Mueller’s Martial Arts will have five Black Belt students competing in Worlds. They are always looking to grow their family and change lives through Martial Arts training. To learn more about their program click here.


Tye found acceptance in Taekwondo

Tye Pearce Instructor At Mueller's Martial Arts In Lakewood, CO

In a world where being different is not always accepted, Tye found acceptance in Taekwondo. When they walk into the dojang, it is their space. It’s a place where there is no pressure or stress and they can focus on their own personal development.

“It’s a place I can go where there is no pressure to be anything but myself. I can be good at it and it’s my own space.” Most notably, Mueller’s Martial Arts is a safe place where they could be who they really are without judgement or exclusion.

Unlike team sports, Tye likes that they don’t need to rely on other people for their success. It all comes down to the hard work and dedication that they put in on a daily basis. “If other people don’t want to put in the effort and I still want to, I will still get results. My success is all based on my own dedication, not reliant on anyone else.”

When they were invited to join the competition team it made them feel special, like they were the best of the best. “When I come in for the competition team I am ready to work to become the best that I can be. I know that the competition throughout the organization is tough, so I work even harder to keep up.” As part of the National Martial Arts Alliance, Tye hopes to represent Mueller’s Martial Arts at the highest level.

As a junior instructor, Tye’s favorite part of martial arts is getting to share their knowledge and passion with others. They love the feeling of when a student performs something that they taught or seeing them improve. The moment where a student learns something new and lights up keeps them motivated and excited.

“When I teach I get to feel like I’m getting to do something good for people and making an impact in the students lives. It’s so special knowing that I’m going to be remembered in these little students’ lives for years to come. It’s really important to me. I just love the look in their eyes when they learn something new and I know that I taught them that.”

Tye wants to take Taekwondo as far as they can, winning world championships and eventually teaching as a job. They hope to inspire and welcome people of all shapes and sizes to join in this amazing community.