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Nationals is this week! The National Martial Arts Alliance will be hosting the half week long experience in Kansas City. Students from all over the country and even the world will come together to compete. It’s not only an amazing experience for students, but also for their entire family.

Nationals begins on Thursday with School Owner and Nxt Level Staff training. Junior instructors get the opportunity to become leaders in their schools and in the organization with a training hosted by Chief Master Horn. They set out to help their schools become the best they can be and also help other students improve in their taekwondo journey. It’s been said that the best way to improve as a Martial Artist is to teach others, this is the chance to be set along that path.

Day two on Friday begins with high rank testing. Black belts and high ranks can test for their new belts on this day. After that is the coaching certification clinic. This is the chance for parents to become coaching certified so that they can coach their children during competition. In the afternoon, competition begins with team sparring and elevated and inventive competitions. 

Saturday is the final day of the tournament with regular competition. All ranks and ages compete to become National champ. This is no normal tournament however, points are worth double that of regular tournaments. That means if your goal is to become State or World champion (which it should be), you get double points towards qualifying at Nationals. 

The best part of Nationals however, is the experience. Students from Mueller’s Martial Arts travel together for the amazing experience. They spend time together outside of the dojang and regular life, and get to take a fun and exciting trip together. We have a team dinner and many chances to just have a great time. As a super special experience, the tournament is being held right across from Legoland this year! That means that families can head right over to Legoland on their time off and get to enjoy the awesome place. 

Nationals is such a fun and rewarding experience. We are so excited that we have double the amount of students attending this year! It’s a great chance for students and parents to bond and hang out, as well as earning double points. You don’t want to miss this awesome time!


It Doesn’t Get Easier, You Get Better

In the gym, the weight doesn’t get easier to lift, you get stronger. In life, challenges don’t get easier to handle, you become better equipped to handle them. In Martial Arts, training doesn’t ever get easier, your belt just keeps getting darker until you’re a Black Belt and beyond. Taekwondo training is the best of both worlds, training your body to become stronger and helping you navigate through the challenges in life.

Physical Strength:

Martial Arts training helps develop your physical strength. Every class involves endurance training which improves cardiovascular health- essentially making your lungs and heart stronger. It uses bodyweight training, and sometimes even actually weights, to strengthen your muscles. By working on balance consistently, core muscles are activated which tightens and improves posture, balance, and coordination. Lastly, taekwondo obviously improves flexibility. By taking time to stretch every class and practicing various kicks constantly, flexibility is greatly improved. If we don’t bend, we break. Flexibility is key to aging healthily.  

Mental Strength: 

As with life, Martial Arts training is difficult. There are many times where someone learns something much faster than you do and you can become frustrated. Or you compete and lose, or test for a new belt and fail. A Black Belt attitude is one of a person that never quits, which builds mental resilience to get through life’s challenges. In addition, taekwondo forces your brain to work with your body to learn new things- also called neuroplasticity. By pushing your mind to do something out of its comfort zone and learning difficult things, it becomes stronger. It is also to learn and adapt more quickly to all challenges we have to face.

Emotional Strength:

When you train in Martial Arts, you are never alone. There will always be someone there to pick you up and help you through anything that you are facing. Whether that’s the instructors, your fellow students, your parents, other student’s parents, or anyone that’s part of the taekwondo world, someone will always have your back. You become emotionally stronger because you know that you are supported no matter what and are capable of getting through hard things. 

Becoming Stronger for Life:

Each time we step foot in a dojang and push ourselves to become the best versions of ourselves, we become a little bit stronger every single day. If we take the life skills learned in class- integrity, focus, discipline, respect, attitude, goals, perseverance, and confidence- and apply them to our daily lives, we can get through anything. Each time we are faced with a challenge on the mat and overcome it, we know that we can face challenges in life head on with grit and determination. Will we fail sometimes? Sure. But with a Black Belt attitude and training we know to never give up. 

At Mueller’s Martial Arts, we know that things don’t get easier, you get stronger. We teach our students how to get stronger every single class and use that strength to overcome life’s challenges. To learn more about our program, click here.


Mueller’s Martial Arts Family

At Mueller’s Martial Arts, family is everything to us. When you step into our taekwondo school and sign up for classes, you become part of a big family. Our job is not only to care for and support you, but to make sure you are on the path to give you your best life. We always take care of our family, and will do everything in our power to make sure you get the best experience at our school.


Our school is led by qualified instructors who have dedicated years to taekwondo training. Our fearless leader Mr. Mueller, the owner of Mueller’s Martial Arts, pours his heart and soul into making our program the best in the Lakewood area. We train our instructors to work in a group setting but make students feel like they are getting an individual experience. They treat you like family- sometimes stern but always kind. Our instructors have trained since they were young kids too, and grew up in the taekwondo family. They know exactly how to make each student feel special. Even better than that, current students can work hard and train to become a part of the instructor team someday so that they have an impact on others as well. 


Perhaps the best part of Martial Arts training are the friendships made along the way. Students get to train with others who are around their age and likely attend the same school. Taekwondo training fosters lifelong friendships with people who share similar interests and values. Some of our closest family members are the friends we’ve made in taekwondo. Parents don’t get left out either! Parents make friends with each other and form strong bonds. They get to see each other at class and share the desire to give their kids the best life possible. People at Mueller’s Martial Arts will always take you in and support you with friendships that feel like family.

Family Class:

One of the best and most popular classes in our program is family class! This class is specifically designed to be all ranks and all ages so that entire families can train together! We have parents, siblings, and even family friends all come together to rise through the ranks of taekwondo as a family. This weekend, we even have a whole family testing for their Black Belts together. Remember, families that train together stay together and in our school, family is everything.

National Martial Arts Alliance:

Our school is incredibly proud to be a part of the National Martial Arts Alliance. The NMAA is an organization that spans across the entire world. They host tournaments and training where students from all different schools get together to train and compete. Everyone across the entire organization treats every student like family. Chief Master and Master Horn are amazing leaders that make you feel a part of something bigger, even if you feel small. No matter who you are or what role you have in the dojang, you are always a part of the NMAA family. 

Whether you are a brand-new student or have been around for years, at Mueller’s Martial Arts you are always a part of our family. We will help guide, support you, and give everything we have to make you feel welcome. To learn more about our program, click here.


Back to School in Taekwondo

Can you believe it? Summer is basically over and our kiddos are headed back to school. While you might be slightly relieved to have them out of your hair during the day, there’s also a whole new set of responsibilities that come with going back to school. Grades, homework, activities, and friendships become a huge priority. Did you know that taekwondo at Mueller’s Martial Arts can help your child with all of these things?

Good grades:

Taekwondo can help kids get good grades. During lessons, we teach students to pay specific attention to details and to focus on their instructor. By learning how to pay attention they bring that to school and focus on what their teacher is saying. In turn they get better grades and perform better in all areas of school. 

Completing homework:

No one likes homework. But it is an essential part to the learning process as it gives students the extra bit of learning to do on their own. Many kids struggle with the motivation to actually do their homework and parents feel frustrated. That’s where taekwondo steps in. They are taught discipline when they show up to class and practice their forms outside of class. They know that the only way to get better is to show up and do their best consistently, which translates to actually doing their homework and working hard on it.


There are a million activities during the school year. Between other sports, after school activities, and everything during school, this time of year is busier than ever! That’s why taekwondo training has become so important. By coming to taekwondo regularly, students have a sense of consistency in their lives. They know that they have something they can look forward to with manageable goals. While they may feel overwhelmed with all the other activities, they can always count on Martial Arts as a safe and consistent place.


While kids probably have friends going into the school year, that can always change. Whether they are starting a new school, new grade, or even just a new year, we all know that friendships come and go. It’s important for them to make the right friends that will empower them and not get them into trouble. Taekwondo can help with that. By being surrounded with like minded people, they will naturally gravitate to others who share the same values. They will have the confidence to make new friends, and become leaders who encourage others to make the right decisions all year.

At Mueller’s Martial Arts we give students the life skills they need to have an amazing school year. It empowers them with confidence, perseverance, focus, attitude, goals, discipline, integrity, and respect. Some of the best students are Martial Artists because they have a foundation built during their lessons. Set your child up for the best year yet by empowering them with taekwondo training.


Trusting the Process

Taekwondo, as with life, is a long journey filled with many ups and downs. The day you walk into a dojang and sign up for Martial Arts classes, you set a goal to become a Black Belt. What you may not realize is what it actually takes to get there. Then you may decide you want to be a champion competitor or an amazing Martial Artist. It all comes with a process that you may not be prepared for. It’s about trusting the process with Mueller’s Martial Arts.

Trusting the timing:

The first thing people don’t realize about achieving any goal in taekwondo is how long it will take to get there. If you’re training everyday, training outside of class, and putting forth your best effort every single day, it will be a lot faster. But the reality is that we are all human and have a lot of work to do to become the best Martial Artists we can be. That is a long process that takes years to complete. You have to trust that no matter how much time it takes, it’s for a good reason and will make you even better. Trust the timing.

Trusting your instructors:

Sometimes you may have moments of doubt whether that is the right way to learn, or if your teachers are being too picky with you. You put in what you feel is your best effort and it still doesn’t seem good enough to your instructors. They do this for a reason. Nothing in life comes easy, becoming a great Martial Artist shouldn’t be either. You have to remember that they are all highly qualified and have been training on their own taekwondo journey for many years. They follow the rules and guidelines set forth by the Masters that came before them. Everything they teach you and expect of you is all part of the process. Trust your instructors.

Trusting yourself:

You will have moments of self-doubt. You will try and fail, try again and fail even harder. You may feel like you will never get it, you will never achieve your goals or become the person you want to be. You only ever fail when you give up. Even if you have a lot to learn, even if it seems impossible, you have to trust yourself. You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to, you just have to put in the hard work to get there. You have to trust that you are capable of so much more than you think you are. You have to trust yourself.

At Mueller’s Martial Arts, we give you all the tools you need to not only become an amazing Martial Artist, but also to achieve any goal you have in mind. In order to achieve those goals though, you have to trust the process. Trust us, and we will get you where you want to go.


Philo’s Invitational

Mueller’s Martial Arts is hosting its first ever tournament! While many of our students compete in tournaments throughout the year, we are so excited to be hosting our very own tournament. On August 26th, students from all over the state as well as around the country will be coming to Lakewood to fight for the chance to win Philo’s Invitational!

Because this is our first ever tournament and a long time dream of Mr. Mueller’s, we hope to get as many students there as possible. There will be a food and desert truck, great competition, a parent of the day award, and a judge of the day award. It is bound to be a special event. 

But that got us thinking, how do tournaments work exactly? First, students compete in any rings that they choose to go after. They are required to compete in forms and sparring, but have the option to try weapons forms, weapons sparring, sword sparring, team sparring, inventive forms, inventive weapons, elevated forms, and elevated weapons. 

Once they compete, students have the opportunity to take first, second, or third place. If they earn any of those places they stand on the podium of champions and go home with a medal. All other competitors go home with a competitor medal. However, they earn more than medals when they compete.

Each competition is worth a certain amount of points. If they get in the top three, they take home more points. Those points are added throughout the year to determine if they qualify for State or World Championships. If they qualify, they get the chance to become State and World Champ. National tournaments have either double or triple points. After Worlds, a new tournament season starts and the points start over. Philo’s Invitational will be the first tournament in the new season.

Tournaments are a great learning opportunity. You wouldn’t practice baseball for an entire season and never play a game, right? So competing in a tournament brings together everything you learned throughout the year and gives you the chance to show it off. It also shows if you are in line with your competition or if you need to spend more time perfecting your craft.

Philo’s Invitational will be a fantastic time to start competing if you have never done so before. If you have been doing so for a long time, it’s a great chance to kick off the new season with Mueller’s Martial Arts. It will be held August 26th at Denver Christian School in Lakewood, CO. You can sign up here.


World’s Week

World Championships are this week! Students in the National Martial Arts Alliance from all around the world will be coming to Denver to compete in the World Championship competition. They will compete to win a world title and be awarded this year’s best in the NMAA. Mueller’s Martial Arts has six students competing this year. Last year, we took home two titles and this year we hope for many more!

It isn’t just a regular tournament however. The festivities start on with seminars and trainings led by Chief Master Horn and other Masters of the NMAA. Masters, students, school owners, and instructors get the chance to improve their craft and learn from the best of the best in the organization. 

On Thursday, testing will begin. Black Belts get to midterm or test for their next belt in front of the entire organization. Five of Mueller’s Martial Arts’s students will be testing. In order to get their next belt they have to know and be able to perform all of the color belt forms, their form, a weapon form, and break boards. Thursday will also begin the first day of competition. 

Friday, competition continues with the Tournament of Champions. Only Black Belts are able to compete for a world title and in order to get the opportunity, they have to earn their way there. They must compete in other tournaments and earn enough points to go to worlds. Points are earned based on how well they do in other tournaments. Essentially, they must get in the top three consistently in their events to qualify. 

That night, opening ceremonies will kick off. The National Martial Arts Alliance will be celebrating its ten year anniversary as an organization. A huge announcement will be shared that you don’t want to miss! It will be a special experience as we show our gratitude for the organization that brings us all together.

Saturday will be the World Tournament, which is open to students of all ranks and ages. Here, everyone will get the chance to compete with people from all around the world to win a medal. This tournament is extremely important because it kicks off the next tournament season and is worth triple points which will set you up in the right direction for the next competition season. 

World’s week is full of fun and such an amazing experience. It will take place at the Colorado Convention Center in Downtown Denver, Colorado. Wish our testers and competitors at Mueller’s Martial Arts good luck!


Kicking Around the World

You may leave taekwondo, but taekwondo will never leave you. This month, many students from Mueller’s Martial Arts have sent in pictures “kicking around the world”. Summer is a crazy time filled with vacations and travel, summer sports and family time. Students may not come to class as consistently as in the fall and winter, but the Martial Arts spirit never leaves them.

You miss it when you are away:

Many may ask why people are randomly throwing side kicks for pictures in front of cool locations. The first reason is that when you are truly dedicated to training, you think about it even when you are on break. You spend so much of your life training and coming to class that when you are away you miss it.

It’s a part of you:

Taekwondo is part of you. It is in your blood, bones, muscles, and soul. Martial Arts isn’t just about learning kicking and punching. It’s about the life skills you learn and embrace along the way- confidence, respect, integrity, attitude, perseverance, discipline, focus, and goals. When practiced enough they become a part of who you are and you carry that with you everywhere that you go.

You want to show some awesome moves:

Not everyone can do awesome kicks above their head or feel confident protecting themselves. When you are in amazing places with spectacular views you want to show off everything that you have learned through the many hours of blood, sweat, and tears. It’s almost your way of getting a postcard of everywhere that you go, except for you, it’s kicking around the world.

Taekwondo becomes a part of who you are when you train long enough. A Black Belt is just a white belt who never quit. The goal of every student when they walk into the dojang for the first time is to become a Black Belt. We all want to be awesome and lucky enough to get to kick around the world.

Mueller’s Martial Arts instills taekwondo to be a part of your entire life. To learn more about our program, click here.